
发布于 2013-05-14  1524 次阅读




Supported Features

The following table shows the VMM and XenServer features that are supported when VMM manages XenServer hosts.




VMM command shell

The VMM command shell is common across all hypervisors.

Adding XenServer hosts and pools

VMM supports the addition of stand-alone XenServer hosts and XenServer clusters (known as pools) to VMM management. Realize that you must install and configure XenServer before you add the hosts to VMM management. Also, you must create and configure XenServer pools in Citrix XenCenter.


VMM offers virtual machine placement based on host ratings during the creation, deployment, and migration of XenServer virtual machines. This includes concurrent virtual machine deployment during service deployment.


You can deploy VMM services to XenServer hosts.

Private clouds

You can make XenServer host resources available to a private cloud by creating private clouds from host groups where XenServer hosts reside. You can configure quotas for the private cloud and for self-service user roles that are assigned to the private cloud.

For more information, see Creating a Private Cloud in VMM Overview.

Dynamic Optimization and Power Optimization

You can use the new Dynamic Optimization features with XenServer hosts. For example, VMM can load balance virtual machines on XenServer pools by using Live Migration. Through Power Optimization, you can configure VMM to turn XenServer hosts on and off for power management.


Supported migration types include the following:

  • Live Migration between hosts in a managed pool (through Citrix XenMotion)

  • LAN migration between a host and the library through BITS


TransferVM is used for each virtual hard disk.

Maintenance mode

You can place a XenServer host that is managed by VMM in and out of maintenance mode by using the VMM console.


You can organize and store XenServer virtual machines, .vhd files, and VMM templates in the VMM library. VMM supports creating new virtual machines from templates.


If you store .vhd files for XenServer in the VMM library, we recommend that you open the properties of the .vhd file, and then on theGeneral tab, in the Virtualization platform list, click Citrix XENServer Server. This will help you distinguish which .vhd files are for XenServer.

XenServer Templates

XenServer templates are not used by VMM. However, you can use XenCenter to create a virtual machine, and then create a VMM template from the virtual machine.


To retain paravirtualization properties of a virtual machine, you must create a virtual machine with paravirtualization properties on the XenServer host, and then create a VMM virtual machine template from the virtual machine.

VMM Templates

VMM virtual machine templates are supported with XenServer, with the following restrictions:

  • The generalization and customization of virtual machines is supported for Windows-based virtual machines only.

  • You must manually install XenServer Tools (Citrix Tools for Virtual Machines).

  • When you create a VMM virtual machine template from a XenServer virtual machine, you cannot modify any associated disk images. Although you can modify the settings in the VMM console, when you deploy the template the original images will be attached. You can modify all other properties.


The new VMM networking management features are supported on XenServer hosts, such as the assignment of logical networks, and the assignment of static IP addresses and MAC addresses to Windows-based virtual machines that are running on XenServer hosts.

Be aware that you must create external virtual networks through XenCenter. VMM recognizes and uses the existing external networks for virtual machine deployment.


VMM uses a single virtual switch to represent all XenServer switches with different VLAN IDs that are bound to a single physical network adapter.


VMM supports all virtual disk storage repositories that XenServer does. These include the following:

  • Software iSCSI, Network File System (NFS) VHD, Hardware host bus adapters (HBAs), and Advanced StorageLink technology

  • Shared and local storage

In addition, VMM supports ISO repositories on an NFS or a Windows File Sharing (Common Internet File System (CIFS)) share. Note the following:

  • If you want to deploy ISO images from the library to the XenServer host, you must set the permissions on the ISO repository to Read-Write.

  • You can only attach ISO images from the VMM library. Therefore, in XenCenter, connect to the XenServer host, and then specify a Read-Write share location in the VMM library as the ISO storage repository.


The new VMM storage automation features are not supported for XenServer hosts. All storage must be added to XenServer hosts outside VMM.

Virtual machine management

VMM supports paravirtual (PV) and hardware-assisted virtualization (HVM) virtual machines, with the following restrictions:

  • Windows-based operating systems will only run on HVM virtual machines.

  • If you create a new virtual machine through the VMM console, you can only create HVM virtual machines.

  • To create a virtual machine with paravirtualization properties from VMM, you must first clone a virtual machine with paravirtualization properties to the library, and then clone and deploy the virtual machine. You cannot create a virtual machine with paravirtualization properties by using the New Virtual Machine wizard to create a virtual machine from an existing .vhd file.

Typical virtual machine management options are available, such as the use of .vhd files and the ability to attach ISO image from the library through an NFS or CIFS share. You can also control the state of the virtual machine, such as start, stop, save state, pause and shut down.


Converting a XenServer virtual machine to a Hyper-V virtual machine is supported by using the physical-to-virtual machine conversion process (P2V conversion). You do not have to remove the Citrix Tools for Virtual Machines before you start the conversion. Realize that VMM only supports the conversion of virtual machines that are running supported Windows-based guest operating systems.


To start the P2V process, in the VMs and Services workspace, on the Home tab, in the Create group, click the Create Virtual Machine drop-down arrow, and then click Convert Physical Machine.

Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO)

Monitoring and alerting for XenServer hosts is possible through VMM with the integration of Operations Manager and PRO.

Additional Support Information

  • VMM does not support the host-to-host migration of stopped virtual machines (LAN migration) between XenServer and other hosts.

  • The Dynamic Memory feature only applies to Hyper-V hosts that are running an operating system that supports Dynamic Memory.

  • Update management through VMM is not supported for XenServer hosts. You must use your existing solution to update XenServer hosts.

  • The conversion of a bare-metal computer to a virtual machine host, and cluster creation through VMM is not supported with XenServer.


  1. 添加XenServer主机和池

  2. 虚拟机的创建、部署和迁移

  3. 监视XenServer的运行状况

  4. 创建微软私有云的时候,为虚拟机选择XenServer配置的时候,可以把虚拟机放置在XenServer主机或池(也就是XenServer的高可用)上

  5. 支持Pro(也就是省电功能,虚拟机负载不满的情况下可以动态迁移并且关闭负载低的物理机)

  6. 可以使用XenServer的模板(有一些限制)

  7. 可以使用VMM创建的模板(有一些限制条件)

  8. 可以使用VMM的库

  9. 可以进入维护模式,通过XenMotion可以做到迁移、网络迁移则使用BITS

  10. 可以使用VMM中虚拟交换机的概念,但是有一些不同,无法实现全部功能

  11. 可以为XenServer管理外挂的存储,如ISO共享等(和VMM的库概念类似)。

  12. HyperV的动态内存功能,在XenServer使用有一定条件(XenServer中开启动态内存需要软件授权)

  13. 不能使用VMM管理的WSUS去更新XenServer(这也是必然的……)

  14. 不支持XenServer之间主机到主机的迁移。


原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自奶油九叔

本文链接地址: SystemCenter2012SP1实践(21)VMM管理XenServer的支持特性